Learn & Grow/Independent Living/Getting Ready for Your Move to a Senior Living Community
Independent Living

Getting Ready for Your Move to a Senior Living Community

Moving into a new home is a major life event, and it can be further complicated when the transition is to an entirely different living style. At Querencia at Barton Creek, we’re honored when prospective residents choose to make our community their new home. We also know the moving process can be stressful. We’ve put together this quick guide to help you get ready for your move to a senior living community. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Make Your Moving Plan

Consider buying a notebook or binder dedicated to documenting your moving process. Think of this as a place where you can jot down notes and create checklists related to your move. A note-taking app on your smartphone or tablet can also work. Use whatever is easiest for you.

Some of the things to take note of before, during and after your move include:

  • Moving dates and milestones. Write down target dates for when you need to have everything packed up, as well as your actual moving day and any other important dates.
  • Estimates and receipts. Maybe you are looking into a few different moving companies and want to do a side-by-side comparison. Keeping a backup of your estimates and receipts in one place will mean less time tracking those items later.
  • Important contact information. Write down contact information for anyone helping you during the moving process. This could include a realtor, a moving company or key contacts at your new retirement community to help answer any questions you may have along the way.
  • Inventory of what you’re taking with you. This will help ensure you have all the essentials packed up and ready to go on moving day. It also may help you get a better idea of what you are actually packing and if it’s really necessary.
  • List of essential items to keep on you. You may want to keep track of any medications you are taking and other essentials you cannot do without. Pack your essential items in a separate travel bag to keep with you versus packing those items up with movers.

The important thing to realize about a moving plan is to keep things flexible. Details may change along the way. But having a written plan can help you stay organized and calm.

Step 2: Review Your New Floor Plan

At Querencia at Barton Creek, we provide prospective residents with a floor plan that details the exact dimensions of their new independent living spaces. This helps new residents determine how much room they’ll have and what will realistically fit in their new apartment.  

Think of your living space as a blank canvas to make your own. What possessions do you own that will make this space feel like home? Maybe it’s a favorite piece of art or an heirloom. Be realistic with what you can fit into your space. The last thing you want to do is end up packing and moving more items than will fit in your new space. That brings us to our next step.

Step 3: Downsize Where You Can

Remember that moving plan we talked about creating? You may want to add a section on downsizing. Think about what you can keep, what you can donate and what you can toss. Check in with adult children and ask if they can look through any belongings you have of theirs. This will allow you to focus on sorting through the things you own directly and save time in the long run.

If you have more belongings than you have space for, think about storage solutions. There may be a storage space nearby where you can keep some of those items you want to hang onto. However, be realistic. Are the things you plan on putting into storage things you will really care about a year from now?

Clothes and furniture that are in good condition are easy candidates for donation. Be discerning and only hang on to the items that will enliven your living space or bring you joy.

Step 4: Pack Your Belongings Like a Pro

There are right ways and wrong ways to pack your belongings. You or your moving service will want to take extra care in packing breakables and items that hold sentimental value. Label boxes and shipping containers so that you can easily identify what is inside without opening them back up.

Securely package and seal boxes and make sure there is adequate protection for those containers that hold your most sensitive belongings. You should also pack some essentials separately. You will want items like prescription medicine with you versus loaded into a moving van.

And if there are certain things you know you want access to right away in your new space, then make sure to pack those items together or load them into your own vehicle.

Step 5: Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

No matter your living situation, a big move is easier with some professional assistance. Consider getting estimates from a few different moving companies and read reviews online. Identify a company that you trust with your belongings and let them do the heavy lifting.

Yes, you can ask friends and family members for help. But professional moving assistance ensures there are no last minute hiccups. If you do your research upfront, then a moving company can make your life much easier. Also think about your health. Doing all the heavy lifting yourself can result in injury.

Ask your senior living community what type of moving assistance they offer, as well. It’s possible you have resources at your disposal that you may not have known about. For instance, at Querencia, we pair each of our new residents with a move-in coordinator to help facilitate moves. Move-in coordinators can recommend moving companies, connect you with unpacking services, and much more.

Our move-in coordinators provide lunches to help you maintain your energy and help arrange dinner, as well.  They will also help coordinate maintenance visits and ensure everything is set up in your new home.

Moving Into Querencia at Barton Creek

At Querencia at Barton Creek we’re committed to making your move to independent living as smooth as possible. Get in touch today and let’s start planning your new future.

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